Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Take One...Take Two ...Thrid Time's the Charm!

There are so many different paths which lead to me to where I am now. Through my time at Westminster I have been more then a few majors and been in a little over a few organizations. Trying to pin point on specific class or moment that lead me to discovering what my capstone would be is not easy. Maybe others can say this event cause this event which set this light bulb off and now look at me. But as far as I go … its take one or two pushes and pulls to figure out not only my capstone but also my career. Since I cannot pick just one to talk about I will talk about a few events. In college, my experiences outside of the classroom have far outweighed my experiences in the classroom. However I am thankful for both because without either I would have never realized what I want to do for capstone and a career.
I came into college intent upon being the best at most things, getting straight A’s and going on to graduate from med school someday. Now as a senior, I am getting ready to graduate and go into the Airforce with a completely different out look on life. Honestly, having been in the capstone 601 really made me think all about who I am and also what I want to do. Going into it I knew I wanted to so something creative because that is who I am. After being shot down time and time again for my capstone proposal I decided I needed something else. I was more focused on planning an event then broadcasting. I was at a crossroads because event planning is what I love and want to do with my life. But I needed to show my professors that my broadcasting lessons were not in vain. My decision stemmed from being forced to sit down and look at what I was interested in and finding something that would leave me with a feeling of accomplishment. So, I used one of my interests. Among other interests I love WWI. I am a big buff on it. Pretty much anything that deals with the military intrigues me. So I decided to take that interest and funnel into something I know I love doing in broadcasting. I love making movies. I did it in my video production class and it was wonderful and fun! So I thought why not do it again? This time it is a little harder and a bit more stressful, but because of my roles in broadcasting and other extra curricular I believe I am able to accomplish my documentary of a World War II Veteran paralleled with an Iraq Soldier.
There you have it! I was push and forced to think of something that was interesting rewarding and I have come up with a task to full fill. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. It’s a wonderful feeling.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

It doesn't stop here-- this is just a transition to the next stage.